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I Already Earned a College Degree

The following are the steps necessary for earning your school counseling certification in Iowa:

Step One:

Fulfill educational requirements through one of the following avenues:

  1. Earn a Master's degree in School Counseling. Iowa has several masters-level programs to complete your degree.

2. Earn a Master's in any other field and then separately, complete a school counseling program from an approved educational institution.

Additional educational coursework involve the following:

  • Complete an approved human relations component
  • Complete an approved exceptional learner component
  • Complete all course work required by the Board of Educational Examiners for an Iowa School Counseling license. (This will vary from person to person based upon previous educational course work taken.)
Professional School Counselor Endorsement Worksheet

Use the School Counseling page on the Iowa Department of Education's website to find more information, or call Kelly Faga with the Educational Examiners at (515) 418-1403.

Step Two:

All applications have been moved online. Click the link below to apply.

Step Three:

You will also need to complete a minimum 100 hours of supervised practicum and 500 hours of supervised internship experiences involving a variety of usual school counseling activities. This requirement should be addressed by your school counseling program provider.

Step Four:

Contact the Iowa Department of Education in order to make sure you have everything in order to become certified by calling (515) 281-3245.

Contact  Us
Phone: (515) 282-8192
6919 Vista Drive
West Des Moines, IA 50266
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